How To Dye Your Hair Grey
Hair is made up of two parts - the root and the shaft. The root is what attaches the hair to the head. Sometimes when we pull our hair out, we can see part of the root. The root is surrounded by tissue and this tissue is called the hair follicle. Each follicle contains a number of cells that contain pigment. This pigment produces a chemical called melanin. Melanin is what affects the hair shaft and therefore, dictates our hair color, as well as our skin color. The more melanin, the darker the hair will be.
The graying of hair is a completely natural occurrence that happens to almost all of us. Some people start getting gray hair in their late teens or early twenties, while others are late into their forties when they first begin to see gray hair.
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The pigment in the hair follicle cells declines. This means less melanin is produced, which translates into less color and resulting gray or white hair. Eventually, there is no color left and we experience a whole head of gray, white, or silver hair. This process can take more than a decade to be complete. In other words, if you notice your first gray hairs in your late twenties, you can be well into your mid-life, or even later, before you will have a full head of gray hair. However, you will likely notice a gradual change and eventually will either embrace the graying of your hair, or decide to dye it to keep its natural color.
If you always had a dark hair color, say black or dark brown, you will definitely be more aware of the graying process. If you are a natural blond or have very light brown hair, the graying wil be less noticeable but will still occur. It's simply a natural part of the aging process.
This loss of pigment, is what makes it so difficult to dye hair gray. Manufacturers have not been able to come up with any colors in the gray family that look natural when applied. Plus, let's face it, gray hair dyes have never been in high demand. However, with the increasing numbers of baby boomers, and the growing number of women deciding to go gray, we can only hope this begins to change.
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Gray Hair Cure
Title:How To Dye Your Hair Grey
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